Forestry and other outdoor jobs are attractive to a lot of people. These jobs allow you to get outside, challenge yourself and avoid the politics and boredom of an office desk job. A criminal record can hold a person back in some types of forestry and other outdoor jobs.
Generally speaking, a criminal record is not going to be a big deal in logging or tree-planting. However, there could be exceptions.
One issue might arise if a person’s driving record is checked to ensure that they can be trusted with the company truck. In this case, convictions for offences such as DUI or dangerous driving might cause the company to reconsider a job offer. If you are applying for jobs where you are responsible for a vehicle and you have driving convictions, you might run into problems.
Remote camps are another place where you might face a record check. When employers want people to live in close quarters, they are going to be concerned about things like drunk driving, fighting, drugs and theft. Many of these camps have zero tolerance for these things and will also conduct record checks to weed out the possibility before it happens.
Forestry protection
If you want to work on the forestry protection side of things, for example as a wildlife officer or park ranger, you will likely be in charge of enforcement. In this case, a clear record would be essential.
Wildland forest firefighting
It’s generally possible to get a job in forest firefighting with a criminal record, though a record check may be required.
What can you do?
If you want to get a job in any industry, a RecordSuspension can help. A Record Suspension is a Canadian pardon. It seals a criminal record in the national database of criminal records, which is called CPIC. This will allow you to submit clear background checks to potential employers.
To find out more or get started on your application, contactus today at 1-866-972-7366.
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